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3 Vein Related Resolutions to Set This Year

Vein Treatment Options Arlington TXIf you haven’t already sat down and created a long list of resolutions— some that you will admittedly ignore, and others that you will do— then there’s no better time than now. And although you may have goals to read more and spend less time on your mobile device, health-related (especially vein related) goals are worth setting— especially if you suffer from varicose or spider veins. Ease into the new year with these three vein related goals.

Exercise More

If you suffer from varicose veins, one of the best things you can do to combat them is to exercise more and lose any excess weight. The blood and oxygen flow from exercise can help with circulation to and from your veins, while the extra calories that you are burning can help you lose any excess weight that may be further exacerbating the issue.

  1. Wear Compression Socks Regularly

It can be hard to be consistent with certain things— especially wearing compression socks or stockings. However, as one of the non-invasive solutions that we at Atlas Vein Care recommend patients try before considering surgery, wearing compression stockings on a regular basis may go a long way. Try to be consistent and wear yours every day for about two to four weeks.

  1. Schedule a Consultation

Now that the holidays are behind us, you likely have some spare time to finally schedule that vein consultation you’ve meant to do. During your vein consultation with our office, we will not only perform a physical examination, but we may also do some vein mapping to help us track your veins and how they are progressing. Additionally, we will also create a treatment plan to help you get the relief that you’ve been hoping for.

Ready to schedule your consultation or learn more about vein related resolutions? Contact our Arlington office today!

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