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Before & Afters

These photos show real results from real Atlas Vein Care patients.

Varicose Veins

*Individual results may vary

Vericose Veins Before
Vericose Veins after 5 weeks of treatment
After (5 weeks after treatment)

Discoloration and Inflammation

*Individual results may vary

A photo of a very red leg before treatment

This can resemble cellulitis, but is not an infection.

A progress photo showing the reduction in discoloration of the leg after four months of treatment
After (4 months after treatment)
A photo of a leg before treatment
An "after" photo showing a reduction in discoloration and inflammation 6 months after treatment
After (6 months after treatment)

Open Wounds/Ulcers and Discoloration

*Individual results may vary

A "before photo" of a leg suffering from ulcers before treatment
a progress photo showing reduction in ankle and skin ulcers three hours after treatment
After (3 months after treatment)
Leg ulcer and discoloration before
Leg ulcer and discoloration 5 months after treatment
After (5 months after treatment)
Wounds Before
Wounds 1.6 Years after treatment
After (1.6 years after treatment)

Leg Swelling

*Individual results may vary

A photo showing a swollen leg before treatment
A photo showing a reduction in swelling after four and a half months of treatment
After (4.5 months after treatment)

All photos are used with permission.
Photos are property of Atlas Vein Care and cannot be used or distributed without permission.


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Looking for a great vein clinic?

We’d love to speak with you and see how we can help you get back to living your life. Keep in mind, the first appointment is just a consultation. We won’t push any treatments on you and there’s no commitment. The first meeting is all about getting to know you and making a plan that’ll get you looking and feeling better as quickly as possible.

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