Varicose Veins
4 Common Causes of Vein Disease
4 Common Causes of Vein Disease You know the saying, ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”? The same saying could also be applied to your health. When it comes to your body, it’s safe to say that unless you’re in the medical field, you really don’t notice the small things until you…
Read MoreWhy Comfort Matters
Why Comfort Matters Although in this day and age, it can seem like looks are everything, there is something that speaks louder: your comfort level. Although things like large, swollen, varicose veins can make you feel like you want to hide your legs for days, if you have started to experience dull aching pains in…
Read MoreHow to Get Sexy Legs In Time for the New Year
How to Get Sexy Legs In Time for the New Year Can you remember the last time you showed off your bare legs? New Year’s Eve is about a lot more than finding the perfect person to kiss as the ball drops at midnight— it’s about looking your best so that you can take the…
Read MoreHow to Kick Your Varicose Veins to the Curb While Losing Weight During the Holidays
How to Kick Your Varicose Veins to the Curb While Losing Weight During the Holidays “You are what you eat” is a saying you could probably go the rest of your life without hearing ever again. However, although it’s overused, it’s a saying that has precedence— especially when it comes to your vein health. If…
Read MoreUnderstanding the Truths Behind Venous Reflux
Understanding the Truths Behind Venous Reflux Having to swell after you get into an accident or undergo surgery is really nothing to worry about. However, if you are suffering from leg swelling for no rhyme or reason, you may be suffering from an underlying condition called venous reflux. This article will help you gain a…
Read MoreHow Exercise Can Get Rid of Varicose Veins
How Exercise Can Get Rid of Varicose Veins Having varicose or spider veins can make you feel so self-conscious about your legs that you’d rather curl up in a blanket than ever step outside. However, staying sedentary may be doing your varicose veins more damage than good. A lot of our patients ask if exercise…
Read MoreInsurance Questions: Are Veins Considered a Medical Condition?
Insurance Questions: Are Veins Considered a Medical Condition? When it comes to getting your varicose veins removed, you may be a bit more than hesitant because of the thought of the cost of the procedure. In fact, most patients think that vein removal is primarily cosmetic, and so it won’t be covered by insurance, but…
Read MoreShoes And Your Veins: 3 Things To Look For When Shopping For Shoes
Shoes And Your Veins: 3 Things To Look For When Shopping For Shoes If you stand all day and have varicose veins, you know how painful it can get. However, because you likely can’t quit your job anytime soon, you’re going to have to find a way to stay comfortable while standing. From finding shoes…
Read MoreWhy We Had to Say Goodbye to Vein Stripping
Why We Had to Say Goodbye to Vein Stripping Varicose veins aren’t a new condition that patients are becoming aware of. In fact, if you have varicose veins, your mother, grandmother, and even great-grandmother likely had them as well. As the most popular way to get rid of varicose veins, it used to be that…
Read MoreSeal Off Your Veins for Good With VenaSeal
Seal Off Your Veins for Good With VenaSeal With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, the last thing you are likely excited to show off to your significant other while dressed in a negligee is your varicose veins. Not only can varicose veins be uncomfortable but they can be unattractive as well. With a variety…
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